Eric Franchi

Co-founder at Undertone

PowerPoint Doesn’t Have to Suck

Twice this week I got into conversations about the merits of PowerPoint. First with WSJ reporter Charlie Wells, then with social media agency CEO Jason Stein. Here’s the debate with Jason. Both questioned whether PowerPoint was an effective tool at all.

Frankly I can’t argue with either of them. Most PowerPoints that I see are bad. But they don’t have to be. I think death by PowerPoint can be avoided. There are two solvable issues:

Design: There are FAR too many options in PowerPoint. I think it stems from the fact that it’s used in so many different ways - for presentations, webinars, training documentation, instructional materials, etc. In my opinion Microsoft’s customers will be well served if they created a version of PowerPoint for presentation-use only that stripped out a lot of the options...

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